It’s time to layer! How to do it without getting clingy.

Just as we love the cozy feel of wearing sweaters, we love the cozy way layers let us wrap up as if we’re in a warm blanket all day long. Whether you wear a cotton t-shirt, a button down or a light sweater underneath, your finished layered look should be a comfortably flowing ensemble that flatters and hides all in one. We love long striped sleeves on your underlayer rolled up around the top layer, a crisp white t-shirt showing at the bottom of a sweater, and tucking part of the front of our top into our jeans to off-set what can become a little long in the front. Plus, it gives you a little shape that always enhances the overall look.
When layering, be sure to use pieces that don’t get caught on each other. Some cottons will stick to each other, which ends up looking disheveled instead of purposeful. You also want to be careful as nylon and polyester can create static problems, which lead to unflattering cling in all the wrong places. Of course, we recommend using Static Schmatic in between each layer. Spray it on the inside of fabrics before you put them on. Like lipstick, you may need to reapply during your day so, again, be sure to spray in between layers and on the inside of your fabrics. Static Schmatic is safe on delicate skin and fabrics, and it won’t leave any build-up or residue on your pieces.
Check out our pinterest board for some of our favorite layering looks of the season.